About Nashi

Credits: Odyssey Proffessional Photo Studio
Nashi is also known as Asian Pear, Nashi Pear Apple, Sand Pear, Apple Pear, Water Pear, Japanese Pear and Salad Pear. They are crisp in texture and when mature, good to eat as soon as they are harvested or for several months after picking if held in cold storage. Nashi are available in Cyprus from August to December each year. They must be handled carefully as they have tender skin that bruises, discolours and blackens if not handled properly. They are best eaten when chilled, but are also very versatile and used in many recipes.
Asian Pears have been growing commercially in Asia for centuries. Most new Asian Pear plantations are in New Zealand, Australia, Chile, France and the Eastern and Southeaster and West of the United States. Now, we offer you Asian pears, or, as we like to call them, Nashi, home grown in Cyprus. You can choose from seven different types of Nashi, subject to availability. Their taste is better than what you can find in other countries. Lab results have proven that our Nashi are richer in fiber and other ingredients in comparison with lab analysis from other countries. Results of samples taken in September 2008 are shown below:
Parameter | Methods of examination | Unit | 95343 |
Protein (N X 6.25) | Mthd-fd-pr | % | 0.4 |
Fat | Mthd-fd-fat-sox | % | <0.08 |
Total Carbohydrates | By difference | % | 15.5 |
D. fiber | *METH/DF/97 | % | 4.4 |
Energy | Keal/100g Kjoul/100g |
% | 46 193 |
Moisture | Mthd-fd-mtr | % | 83.68 |
Ash | Mthd-fd-ash | % | 0.35 |
Calcium (Ca) | Mthd-fd-ICP | mg/100g | 6.5 |
Iron (Fe) | Mthd-fd-ICP | mg/100g | 0.3 |
Phosphorous (p) | Mthd-fd-ICP | mg/100g | 19/4 |
Zink (Zn) | Mthd-fd-ICP | mg/100g | 0.08 |